
El Molino, 12 03158 Catral - Spain

Verónica Perales Blanco


Not fear to free fall

"I have a metaphor (...) I call it thinking without a banister—in German, Denken ohne Geländer. That is, as you go up and down the stairs you can always hold on to the banister so that you don’t fall down, but we have lost this banister. That is the way I tell it to myself. And this is indeedwhat I try to do."
Hannah Arendt (Thinking without a banister)

This adventure is based on art practice as a tool to approach and reflect on our daily lives from an uncommon perspective. Our main goal is to awaken our multisensory perception, this awakening is essential to full appreciation in our lives. Never before had we enjoyed a technological potential like the one we have now: almost perfect lenses, more precise capacitive captors, and more powerful analytical engines... However, it seems that we have never been so far away from our own bodies (not only as individuals but as a planetary corpus). The awakening of our senses and outdoor learning will be the main vehicle to embodied cognition, empathy and the approach to ecological consciousness.


This experience, initiated in 2023, is part of an EDUCATIVE INNOVATION PROJECT by OPEN ART group (GID- Grupo de Innovación Docente) at the University of Murcia. It is linked to the Drawing courses I teach, this is DRAWING AND FORM (DIBUJO Y FORMA), included in the first year of Fine Arts Degree. 


In English we often use the expression "to be on the same page" to say that we think similarly to other people on a subject. Sometimes I meet artists with whom I feel on the same "trace", to say we resonate together.